How to Make Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik via User Manager
Make use Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik User Manager is quite complicated. Many things must be configured to be able to generate Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik Mikrotik in the User Manager. By using a voucher system, we can more easily in selling Internet connection via WiFi Hotspot Mikrotik to customers. We do not need to add the user each time a customer wants to subscribe to a WiFi Hotspot. We stayed generate username and user password automatically, and print it in the form of vouchers to be sold to customers.
Now the question is How to Make Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik? To answer these questions, see good Tutorial Mikrotik Indonesia this time yes.
Before we begin its Mikrotik Tutorial, make sure the following are met:
Tutorial How to Make Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik via User Manager
1. Login to User Manager Mikrotik
Enter IPAddressMikrotik / userman on the browser. Make sure the IP Address is not the IP Address used to interce Hotspot. If you are using IPAddressHotspot / userman message appears Error Not Found. You can use other interfaces, such ether1 and given IP segments in addition to the hotspot.
2. Setting the Users Variable Mikrotik User Manager
Once logged in, go to Settings -> Appearance -> At the Table column select Users. Enter the following variables into visible columns:
This variable will appear on the menu users, so that we can know the user details with ease.username
Start Time
end Time
Total Time Left
till Time
uptime Used
uptime Limit
Money Paid
3. Creating a User Profile in User Manager Mikrotik
These profiles contain user profile information from each Package Hotspot will we sell. We can add the user profile as an internet package that we will create. How to create a user profile can Profiles manually via the menu, but I would be demonstrated to make the semi-automatic using the command in the Terminal in Winbox. Following his example, the command:
/ Tool user-manager profile add name = "Package 5 hours of" name-for-users = 5 hour override-shared-users = off owner = \ mikrotikindo price = 10000 starts-at = logon validity = 2d add name = "Package 1 day" name-for-users = 1hari override-shared-users = 3 owner = \ mikrotikindo price = 20000 starts-at = logon validity = 1d add name = "Package 1 Week" name-for-users = 7hari override-shared-users = 3 owner = \ mikrotikindo price = 50000 starts-at = logon validity = 1w add name = "Package 1 Month" name-for-users = 1bulan override-shared-users = 5 owner = \ mikrotikindo price = 120000 starts-at = logon validity = 4w2d add name = "Ulimited Pack 1 Year" name-for-users = unlimited \ override-shared-users = off owner = mikrotikindo price = 1000000 starts-at = \ logon validity = 52w1d
Please adjust these parameters on the command to your liking. Especially the owner parameter, replace it with the username User Manager. The results of the command you can see on the menu Profiles in User Manager. If There are no changes to the menu profiles, please logout and login again to the User Manager.
Shared Users can also specify its amount.
4. Make Hotspot Mikrotik on User Package Manager
Profile that was made before need to be added to the bandwidth limitations and the duration of its active accounts. You do this by adding a limitation on the profile. You can make one by one in the menu Profile -> Limitations tab.
Here I will use again command winbox terminal.
Examples of command is as follows:
/ Tool user-manager profile limitation add address-list = "" download-limit = 524288000B group-name = "" ip-pool = "" name = \ "Package 5 hours" owner = mikrotikindo rate-limit-min-rx = 65000B \ rate-limit-min-tx = 65000B rate-limit-rx = 128000B rate-limit-tx = 256000B \ transfer-limit = 0B upload-limit = 0B uptime-limit = 5h add address-list = "" download-limit = 1073741824B group-name = "" ip-pool = "" name = \ "Package 1 day" owner = mikrotikindo rate-limit-min-rx = 128000B \ rate-limit-min-tx = 128000B rate-limit-rx = 256000B rate-limit-tx = 512000B \ transfer-limit = 0B upload-limit = 0B uptime-limit = 1d add address-list = "" download-limit = 5373952000B group-name = "" ip-pool = "" name = \ "Package 1 Week" owner = mikrotikindo rate-limit-min-rx = 128000B \ rate-limit-min-tx = 128000B rate-limit-rx = 256000B rate-limit-tx = 512000B \ transfer-limit = 0B upload-limit = 0B uptime-limit = 1w add address-list = "" download-limit = 16106127360B group-name = "" ip-pool = "" \ name = "Package 1 Month" owner = mikrotikindo rate-limit-min-rx = 256000B \ rate-limit-min-tx = 256000B rate-limit-rx = 512000B rate-limit-tx = 1000000B \ transfer-limit = 0B upload-limit = 0B uptime-limit = 4w2d add address-list = "" download-limit = 0B group-name = "" ip-pool = "" name = \ "Package Ulimited 1 Year" owner = mikrotikindo rate-limit-min-rx = 512000B \ rate-limit-min-tx = 512000B rate-limit-rx = 1000000B rate-limit-tx = 1000000B \ transfer-limit = 0B upload-limit = 0B uptime-limit = 52w1d
Please adjust parameters on the command needs your Package. The following information on each of his command parameter:
download-limit: quota limit download
upload-limit: upload quota limit
transfer-limit: download + upload quota limit
rate-limit-tx: download speed limit (if the quota has been exhausted)
rate-limit-rx: upload speed limit (if the quota has been exhausted)
rate-limit-min-tx: download speed limit (if the quota has been exhausted)
rate-limit-min-rx: upload speed limit (if the quota has been exhausted)
download-limit = 0B: unlimited quota download
rate-limit-tx = 262144B: 256 kbps download speed limit
Her results are as follows:
5. Limitation Connecting with User Profiles Manager Mikrotik
Once the limitation is made, then stay connected just with his Profile. The way to get into the Profiles Menu -> Select Profile -> Add new limitation -> Select limitation according to its package -> Click Add.
Do the same for the other Profile.
6. Men-Generate Username and Password for the account of each Package
To create an account automatically on each package, we could take advantage of user Batch feature on the menu Users -> Add -> Batch -> specify the number of users who want to be generated in the column Number of users -> Select Package - > Add.
Do the same for other hotspots package. The results are as follows:
7. Adding Logo on User Manager Mikrotik
Actually, this step is optional, you can skip it if do not want to change its logo User Manager. However, the Voucher that will be created later No logo imprinted, so we need to upload a logo. You do this by accessing the FTP Mikrotik .
Create a new folder with the name umfiles, copy the logo file into the folder.
To replace the logo user manager, go to Settings Menu -> Styles -> Edit path column Logo Logo with the path that has been uploaded -> Save
8. Creating a Template Voucher Hotspot on User Manager
Still in the Settings menu -> move to the Templates tab -> select Vouchers. Voucher Template Mikrotik Hotspot is divided into four parts, namely Header, Row, Footer and Break. Part we will edit only in the Header and Row alone.
Here's an example of HTML code that has been in the custom.
Voucher code HTML for the Header:
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional // EN" ""> <Html xmlns = ""> <Head> <Title> Vouchers </ title> <Style> @media print { .noprint { display: none; } .pagebreak { page-break-after: always; } } body { font-family: 'Verdana', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 50px 100px; font-size: 12.3px; } { background-color: # 94F3EB; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient (270deg, RGBA (220,245,250,1.00) 0%, RGBA (246,253,254,1.00) 100%); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient (270deg, RGBA (220,245,250,1.00) 0%, RGBA (246,253,254,1.00) 100%); background-image: -o-linear-gradient (270deg, RGBA (220,245,250,1.00) 0%, RGBA (246,253,254,1.00) 100%); background-image: linear-gradient (180deg, RGBA (220,245,250,1.00) 0%, RGBA (246,253,254,1.00) 100%); background-repeat: repeat-x; width: 3.6in; height: 2.1in; padding: 0 17px 18px 12px; margin: 10px 0; border: 1px solid # d9d9d9; border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; } h2 { background-color: # 63C2EE; border-color: # ED3939; margin: 0 1px -12px -17px; padding: 0px 15px 0 10px; height: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; font: bold 18px / 0.2 Arial; color: # fff; text-align: center; } h3 { background-color: # FFF8DC; border-color: # 000; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; margin: -35px 0 0 70px; padding: 3px 50px 12px 10px; height: 8px; width: 30px; font: bold 12px / 0 Arial; color: # 000; } h4 { background-color: # 63C2EE; border-color: # 2B78C5; / * IE6-9 * / margin: 0 1px -12px -17px; padding: 0px 15px 0 10px; height: 20px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; font: bold 12px / 0.2 Arial; text-align: center; color: # fff; } .block-left { background-color: transparent; width: 170px; height: 120px; margin: 15px 0; float: left; } .block-right { background-color: transparent; width: 150px; float: right; padding: 5px 0px 15px! important; text-align: center; } .block-right> h5 { font: bold 18px / 0.1 Verdana; text-align: center; color: # FF4141; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px # 000; margin: 25px 0; } .block-bottom { background-color: transparent; clear: both; } .txtbox img { width: 50px; height: 50px; float: left; padding-right: 5px; } </ Style> </ Head> <Body>
Voucher code HTML for Row:
<Div class = "box"> <H2> MikrotikIndo-Hotspot Rp. % U_moneyPaid% </ h2> <Div class = "block-left"> <Div class = "txtbox"> <Img alt = "" src = "/ umfiles / logo.png" /> <b> MikrotikIndo Wireless Hotspot Service </ b> </ Div> <Div class = "txtbox2"> <P> Please open the browser, enter the <b> Username </ b> and <b> Password </ b> on the login page, <b> click the login button. </ B> </ p> </ Div> </ Div> <Div class = "blocks-right"> <H5>% u_timeLeft% </ h5> <P> Price: <b> Rp. % U_moneyPaid% </ b> </ p> <Div> <p align = "left"> Username: </ p> <h3 align = "center">% u_username% </ h3> </ div> <Div> <p align = "left"> Password: </ p> <h3 align = "center">% u_password% </ h3> </ div> </ Div> <Div class = "block-bottom"> <H4> More info: </ h4> </ Div> </ Div>
The HTML code is only an example, please edit your own appropriate as needed. You can use Notepad ++ applications or Dreamweaver to edit the code.
9. Meng-Generate Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik
Furthermore, we live to automatically generate its proxy hotspot vouchers. Users do I go to Menu -> Select the user who will be 4 in the Generate -> Generate -> Vouchers -> Click Generate.
Why only 4 user in check? Why do not all just all generated? You could try to generate all together. Later you will be difficulties during the process of printing (print) voucher. Because if it is too much, to see her voucher will cut pages. So in order to secure it, we generate 4 consecutive away.
If after the click Generate nothing happens, try clicking the blue following article:
Mikrotik Hotspot Voucher display will appear in a popup browser.
10. Printing (Print) Voucher Hotspot Mikrotik Generate Results
On page popup browser containing hotspot voucher mikrotik, press ctrl + p to begin printing (print). I suggest using Google Chrome Browser Generate and print during the process so much easier.
Click More Settings -> Background checkbox in the Options and uncheck graphics Headers and Footers. If the option Background graphics is not in check, then print view would be strange because of its background color does not come printed. Now living alone print, and repeat the same thing to another account voucher that has not been generated.
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